Newberry Wall Paneling Replacement Guide

Wall paneling replacement. Not exactly the most exciting prospect for a home improvement project. Once popular during the 1970s and 1980s, it’s now way out o of date and style. Although, paneling can still be found in homes today. And if you have it in your home, you probably cringe at the sight of it every time you walk into the room. So, let's take a quick look at wall paneling replacement to update your place.

Wall Paneling Alternatives

Probably the best alternative to wall paneling is drywall or sheetrock. The good thing about these materials, is that's what's probably behind the paneling. Which means, you just need to take down the wall paneling to expose it.

Removing wood paneling is not a particularly difficult job in and of itself. Removing the paneling and not damaging it, or removing the paneling and replacing it with drywall, can be a more difficult task. Having a good sense of what is behind your paneled walls will dictate the amount of work involved in the project. --San Francisco Gate

If the paneling is fastened directly to the wall studs, you’ll have to hang drywall and then finish it with paint once the paneling is gone.

Newberry Wall Paneling Replacement Guide

The good news is, it's not difficult to accomplish wall paneling removal. Although, it will require a bit of elbow grease to pull off. Here's a helpful wall paneling removal guide you can use:

  • Gather up tools and materials. Gather together drop cloths, heavy gloves, a pry bar, a claw hammer, eye protection,a dust mask, and a trash container.
  • Lay drop cloths down on the floor. Spread drop cloths across the floor to protect it and serve as a catch to keep the debris and dust at least somewhat contained. When it become cluttered, take the time to clean it off and this will make the end cleanup a bit easier.
  • Remove all the trim from the wall. Generally, it's possible to remove the trim from the wall by hand (though it's highly advisable to wear work gloves). rim, especially when it’s old, can easily snap and splinter. If you can’t pull it off by hand, use a pry bar or claw hammer to remove it.
  • Take the paneling off the wall thereafter. After you take down the trim, then it's time to pull the paneling itself off the wall. Do this with caution so you don't cause damage to what's behind the paneling.

If there is drywall already hung behind the paneling, you can just patch the holes and sand the spackle flat. Then, paint the wall with a neutral color and let dry. When you’re done taking down the old paneling, phone 800-433-1094 or visit AAA Rousse Services.

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