Cleaning Out an Estate

Cleaning Out an Estate

If you have recently been left with the unenviable task of clearing out an estate, whether it is the estate of a loved one or an estate that you have acquired in another way, you probably have lots of questions.

Essential Guide to Estate Cleanout

Most Important Things to Look For

An estate sale requires you to sort through the belongings of an estate or a family. Usually, this occurs after the owner of the estate dies. All the various belongings and property must be dealt with in some way and selling items that are not valuable or important to the loved ones of the deceased is usually the most practical option. The actual home or other physical property may also be included in an estate sale.

No matter how much random junk might exist in an estate, it is first and foremost important to find the paperwork needed to move forward in the search for property and wealth that might have been left behind. Search for any financial documents you might need to settle the estate. Tax forms are important to find. The executor or executors of the estate will need them when filing income taxes for the year following the liquidation of the estate. You should also seek out other specific paperwork and financial documents, such as life insurance policies, wills, important receipts, bank statements, titles to properties, and stock certificates.

Consider Hiring Estate Professionals

Even before the actual sorting starts, going through and sorting through some estates can be very daunting. In the case that you will use a professional to assist in the sale, you might want to hold off on throwing out items that might be worth something, especially if you are not an expert on the worth of certain items. The services of a cleanout company can be very useful to overwhelm people who are tasked with organizing the belongings of another person. There are many kinds of estate cleanout professionals to choose from.

Auctioneers:Generally, these services are associated with the business of liquidating estates. If you have outbuildings and a lot of construction or farming equipment, or a fleet of vehicles, you might want to select an auctioneer who specializes in such sales.

Junk Removal Services:There is a wide range of services, such as removal of asbestos or other tricky/dangerous refuse. As well as typical garbage removal, specialty junk removal might be needed, depending on the type of properties and the state of the properties.

Maid/Cleaning Services: Taking advantage of the services of a cleaning service to handle that final clean-up of the property, prior to sale, could relieve some of the burdens from a family that is likely still grieving, as well as exhausted from dealing with the issues surrounding an estate.

The Important Little Tasks

After a death in the family, there is a lot to remember following the funeral, especially when dealing with an estate. As you embark on the estate cleanout process, there are a few things that seem obvious but might slip your mind. After you have located all important documents and paperwork, you will need to do the following things right away: change the locks, forward the mail, do a walkthrough, and create a plan.

Sort Through Items

When you have chosen what to throw away, what to keep, what to sell, and what to donate, you may want to hire a professional to help you figure out the value of certain items you do not want to keep, such as clunky antiques. When you are uncertain of the monetary value of a lot of the items you are dealing with, a person experienced in this type of liquidation service may be of assistance.

Contact a Professional Estate Cleanout Service

Contact a Professional Estate Cleanout Service

When it comes to cleaning out an entire estate, AAA Rousse understands that the task can be overwhelming. Our goal is to help you lighten your load as much as we can, so if you need a hand, we are here to help. To learn more about our professional estate cleanout services in Florida, please contact us today.

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