Garage Sale Money-Making Tips Cape Coral Residents can Use

There are effective yard sale tips to make more money you should know well in advance of hosting such a selling event. Preparedness is at the top and a theme which runs through all the best tips and tricks for collecting more cash. This is a great way to get rid of old appliances in working condition without having to wrangle over where to take them and dealing with hauling them from one place to another. If you want to make the most money on your garage sale or yard sale, you’ve got to employ certain tactics to spread the word effectively and create an atmosphere where people are willing to buy.

Yard Sale Organization and Clean-Up

Most people don’t have a plan for their garage sale. They simply cart out some card tables, scatter all their wares out, tack a few signs to polls, and sit back and wait only to wonder why so few people show-up.

Having a yard sale can be torture of the worst imaginable kind or a relatively easy way to clean out the clutter and make some extra cash. Unless you think of the Marquis de Sade as the kindly uncle type, your goal is to have the latter. The key to having a successful, stress-free yard sale is organization. --The

It’s because there’s no game plan, a recipe for disappointment. To actually make it more than just a little worthwhile, you need to get ready well in advance of the day and have a strategy.

Garage Sale Money-Making Tips Cape Coral Residents can Use

If you really want to make some extra money and cut down on all the clutter, you have to do things right. Here are some great tips on organizing and cleaning-up a garage sale:

  • Gather stuff well before the event. One of the single best secrets of pro garage sale hosts use is to have a few dedicated boxes to toss things in for months in advance. When something of value, be it large or small, is no longer useful to you, put it in a box. Organize these as you go, so it’s easier to sort and price later on.
  • Partner with neighbors. This is some of the best advice because it attracts a larger crowd of people throughout the day. The fact of the matter is, the more people who are present, the better. It’s also a demonstration of why many garage sales aren’t successful — when there are just a few people, others will come to the conclusion there’s nothing worthwhile offered.
  • Go all-out on signage. Forget about those store-bought, stock signs. They’re too small and too common to attract attention. Instead, get large and colorful poster-board. Make your own signs, and put them out about a week before sale day. Put them around the neighborhood, on nearby busy streets, and outside local grocery stores and retail shops.
  • Create easy traffic flow paths. Another mistake people often make is to group tables closely together. While this does keep everything in-sight, it creates congested traffic flow. Spread the tables out so there’s plenty of room to walk and explore.

When you need to get rid of a bunch of junk in Cape Coral, just phone 800-433-1094 or visit AAA Rousse Services.

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