Kitchen Soffit Replacement in North Port

Kitchen soffit replacement and disposal isn’t exactly a walk in the park. The truth is, this is very time-consuming and laborious work. Although it is relatively straightforward, it’s definitely not an easy DIY job. Now, the actual tear out isn’t all that complicated. But, what follows after will require some serious carpentry and electrical wiring skills. This is what makes a kitchen soffit replacement and disposal a real challenge.

Remodeling Debris Disposal

Before you start tearing it down, be sure to take a moment to think about how important it is that the soffit goes. If it’s on the top of your list of things to change, you’ll need to dispose of the materials and other debris.

Making the decision to remove the soffits means that you have committed to a big project. Just how big depends on what is lurking behind the soffits. The only way to tell is to cut a hole in the drywall big enough to shine a flashlight and get a good look around. If you’re really lucky, it will just be empty space. But chances are pretty good that you’ll see wiring, air ducts and/ or plumbing pipes. If you are still intent on removing those soffits, all that “stuff” has to be re-routed and you have officially committed to a major remodeling project. --Kitchen Craftsman

Don’t go ahead with taking it out until you have a better idea of what it’s in-place for. It could be hiding ductwork or electrical wiring. If either is behind the facade, you’ll have to reroute the wiring or ductwork, if even possible. But if it’s just to fill a gap, then you can remove it without too much hassle.

Kitchen Soffit Replacement in North PorT

You will need several tools and a few supplies to tear down the soffit. Gather together a few sheets of plastic or tarps, flashlight, eye protection, a dust mask, gloves, a utility knife, pry bar, power drill-driver, hammer, and a ladder. Now, here’s how to start the kitchen soffit replacement process:

  • Determine the function. This is definitely worth repeating and more than once. The purpose of a soffit is to hide something. Which means, you should attempt to learn what it is, because that’s very important. In other words, it just might be a total waste of time to start removing it only to discover that it’s in-place for a good reason.
  • Clear out the kitchen and cover everything. The kitchen should be empty and covered in plastic and/or drop cloths. This includes anything on the countertops, and even the microwave, if it’s not mounted.
  • Cut into the crease along the ceiling. Next, you use a ladder to position yourself right by the soffit itself. Use a utility knife to cut into the crease between the top of the soffit and the ceiling. Exercise caution so you don’t damage the ceiling. Then, use a reciprocating saw to start to cut the framing down.
  • Reroute any mechanical systems. Once all the mechanical components are exposed, you’ll have to reroute these to keep them functional while still out-of-sight. The best advice is to call-in a professional to reroute these for safe and proper concealment.

When you need remodeling debris removal done for you in North Port, just phone 800-433-1094 or visit AAA Rousse Services.

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