Sarasota Television Dumping Alternatives

Television dumping doesn’t seem like a difficult task. That is, until you try it for the first time. Even if it’s in working condition, you’ll find old television dumping is a lot more tedious than you suppose. This is because old TVs contain a number of hazardous materials.

Why Trash Collection Companies won’t Pick Up Old TVs

While there are a few things to do with a television, darkening the curb certainly isn’t one of them. It’s ugly and won’t serve any purpose if exposed to the weather elements too long. But you simply can’t help wonder why it’s not hauled away with all your other trash. In a word, it’s toxic. There are many hazards materials inside.

Low commodities prices around the world are making life difficult for electronics recyclers, especially those struggling to get rid of toxic materials from obsolete television sets. The result: Old TVs being dumped in the trash or on the side of the road and e-recycling companies improperly disposing of them, including a company caught last year burying old TVs and other electronics devices in a 10-foot-deep hole in a field. And that is bad news for the environment. --NBC

Hazardous materials mean danger. They also mean quite a bit of hassle to load. And, fees pertain to legally dumping and recycling these electronics. That means you’ve got a problem on your hands. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re stuck with it.

Sarasota Television Dumping Alternatives

Television dumping is a tricky situation. It doesn’t matter that it still works. Well, it really doesn’t matter if it works or not (at least to the local trash collection agency). But, that doesn’t mean you’re stuck and out of luck. It just means you’ll have to put in a little extra effort. Here are some television dumping alternatives you can try out:

  • Sell it. Although there's not a huge percentage of locals clamoring for an old TV, there are individuals who might find it a great alternative. It's much less expensive and will do for the short-term.
  • Repair it. If that old TV isn't working properly, you might just consider repairing it. Those with a knack for electronics and handy with tools can try their skill set to give it a new lease on life. This is something that could well be attractive to hobbyists and tinkerers.
  • Donate it. Now, if the television is in good, working condition but you're ready for an upgrade, you should seriously think about donating it. A local church, school, or shelter might welcome such a gift.
  • Junk it. Of course, if it's just too dated or no longer works, it's best to junk it. Don't put it on the curb because the local trash collection won't pick it up.

If you need television dumping in Sarasota or elsewhere, phone (941) 302-2399 or visit AAA Rousse Services.

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