Textured Ceiling Replacement for Clearwater Residents

textured ceiling removal ClearwaterTextured ceiling replacement. Talk about work. This is the epitome of monotonous labor. The funny thing about such a project is that it doesn’t take any real expert skill. But, it’s certainly a lot of hard work. And, there is a bit of craft to it. If you’re considering popcorn ceiling removal, you’re making a purely aesthetic choice. What you gain is a different look. The function remains the same. So, let’s take a look at what goes into textured ceiling replacement.

Material Disposal

Homeowners choose textured ceiling replacement for a variety of reasons — chief among these is its strange appearance. And, when you take down a popcorn or cottage cheese ceiling, you’ll create a whole lot of debris and waste. This means you’ll need a way to dispose of the debris thereafter.

When considering a popcorn ceiling removal project, the first step should always be to test it for asbestos. Homes built prior to 1980 were often constructed using building materials that contained asbestos in paint texture, including textured ceilings and patching compounds, but its use was banned after it was found to cause lung disease and cancer. --Angie’s List

So, do yourself a favor and schedule a local junk removal service to come by and clean up. Take advantage of the opportunity and offload a bunch of other junk at the same time to free up more space.

Textured Ceiling Replacement for Clearwater Residents

Any contractor or stalwart do-it-yourselfer that’s taken on this project will no doubt tell you how hard it is and how disruptive it is to your daily life. If you aren’t detoured, you can do this project on your own. Here’s a basic textured ceiling replacement guide to start your project:

  • Test for asbestos. Safety is always first and should continually be practiced when you're doing any type of renovation project. So, test for asbestos using a kit to determine if it's safe to proceed.
  • Cover up the floor. Next, you'll need to empty the room and then cover the floor. Don't leave anything in the room because it will get covered in debris and junk from the cottage cheese or popcorn texture.
  • Soften the texture. Use spray bottles to moisten the popcorn but do not soak it. (If you do, you risk damaging the ceiling behind it or staining it.) Wait about 10 to 15 minutes to let it soften.
  • Scrape the ceiling texture. Now comes the real work. You'll have to scrape the texture off but do not dig into the ceiling. This will require a bit of trial and error to get right.

When you need remodeling debris disposal in Clearwater, just phone 800-433-1094 or visit AAA Rousse Services.

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