Bradenton Popcorn Ceiling Removal Guide

Popcorn ceiling removal doesn’t take an experienced and licensed contractor but this DIY project is very labor intensive. It’s actually not difficult, it’s just a whole lot of monotonous, backbreaking work. But, you can do a textured ceiling removal on your own, if desired. You only need a few basic tools and materials, along with a sufficient amount of time. Otherwise, the popcorn ceiling removal steps are quite straightforward.

Textured Ceiling Material Disposal

Now, before you start the long, arduous process, you need to have a plan for the remodeling debris. This is where too many people get off-track because they simply don’t think about it in advance. It isn’t until they're staring at a growing pile of construction debris, they realize it’s got to go somewhere, somehow. Don’t make that mistake. Schedule remodeling debris removal and disposal when it’s time.

When considering a popcorn ceiling removal project, the first step should always be to test it for asbestos. Homes built prior to 1980 were often constructed using building materials that contained asbestos in paint texture, including textured ceilings and patching compounds, but its use was banned after it was found to cause lung disease and cancer. --Angie’s

Also, be sure to have a plan for how you’ll navigate through the house without entering the room. (Popcorn ceiling removal will disrupt the flow.) The less you go in and out of the space, the better. By avoiding it when possible, you can cut down on the mess spreading to the rest of the house.

Bradenton Popcorn Ceiling Removal Guide

As for the actual popcorn ceiling removal, if you’re seriously committed to doing it yourself, you’ll need a few things. An asbestos test kit, plastic or drop cloths, eye protection, dust masks, light gloves, spray bottles, and scrapers.

  • Test for asbestos. Before you start to scrape away, be sure that it’s safe to do so and test for asbestos. You can pick up a kit at your local home improvement store. If it’s negative, proceed. If it tests positive for asbestos, you’ll need to hire a professional.
  • Prepare the room to protect the floor. Clear out the room completely. Take down any wall decor, remove any furniture. Then, lay plastic across the entire floor. You can weigh it down by placing bricks in the corners and a few along the perimeter.
  • Use a solution to soften the ceiling texture. There are different solutions and mixes to use to spray onto the texture to soften it for removal. Then, scrape away the ceiling texture.

When you need remodeling debris disposal in Bradenton or beyond, just phone (941) 302-2399 or visit AAA Rousse Services.

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