Punta Gorda Wood Floor Replacement Signs

Punta Gorda Wood Floor Replacement Signs

Wood floor replacement isn’t always a necessity. The good thing about hardwood is it is actually one of the most durable flooring types. It can last for several decades, even longer, with proper care. And, it’s among the most aesthetic types of floor, often preferred over many others, ... [Read more...]

Palm Harbor Storage Cleanout Tips

Palm Harbor Storage Cleanout Tips

Storage cleanout. Ugh. The time has come to clean out your self-storage unit. It’s been a while since you've looked inside, but now is as good of an opportunity as any! The process isn't difficult if done correctly. So, it’s time to shed that extra expense and get that self-... [Read more...]

Clearwater Furniture Disposal Options

Clearwater Furniture Disposal Options

The furniture disposal process is a time-consuming and stressful process. There’s no demand for it, so you can't sell or donate these items - which makes getting rid of them very difficult (or giving away). Learn about how to get your old stuff outta there in this article by reading on... [Read more...]

Wood Deck Disposal Options in Venice

Wood Deck Disposal Options in Venice

Wood deck disposal and tear down is a big, big job. Not only does it require a whole lot of labor, it also demands a lot of heavy lifting, and then, there’s the matter of disposal. It takes a lot of time and effort to demolish a wood deck, no matter how small. Since it’s intended as a ... [Read more...]

Palm Harbor BBQ Grill Disposal Options

Palm Harbor BBQ Grill Disposal Options

BBQ grill disposal. Just another inconvenient chore right? Wrong. You’re probably finding that out. The local trash collection agency won’t pick it up. (At least, not unless you pay a hefty fee.) So, the only alternative is to take it to the local dump. But here again, you’ll have ... [Read more...]

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